Module 1: Basic Set Theory
Module 2: Modular Arithmetic, Divisibility, and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Module 3: Functions and Relations
Module 4: Truth Tables and Symbolic Logic
Module 5: Basic Direct Proofs
Module 6: Proof Techniques Part 1: Contrapositive and Contradiction
Module 7: Sequences, Sums, and Products
Module 8: Proof Techniques Part 2: (Weak) Induction
Module 9: Recurrence Relations and Recursion
Module 10: Counting Systems (Binary, Hex, Octal, etc.)
Module 11: Combinatorics
Module 12: Graph Theory
Module 13: Review

Infinitude of Primes

Question: How many prime numbers are there?

Is it true that after a certain number every number bigger than it is composite; i.e. divisible by only the handful of primes that we’ve discovered?

Euclid, a Greek dude from roughly 300 B.C. proved the following remarkable result in the ninth book in his series called Elements.


There are infinitely many prime numbers.

Proof: Suppose instead that there are only finitely many prime numbers, say, \(n\) of them. Let’s call them \(p_1,p_2,p_3,…,p_{n-1},p_n\). Define the new integer \(Q_n\) by multiplying all these primes together, then adding \(1\), i.e.
$$Q_n=p_1\cdot p_2\cdot p_3\cdot…\cdot p_{n-1}\cdot p_n+1.$$
We claim that the above number \(Q_n\) is not divisible by any one of our finitely many primes above. To prove this, we will suppose that one of our primes \(p_1,…,p_n\) divides \(Q_n\), and show why that can’t work (that is, produce what is called a contradiction).

We know that every natural number has a prime divisor (if the number is prime, then that divisor is itself), so let \(q\) be a prime divisor of \(Q_n\). Now, if \(q\) is one of the primes listed above, then \(q\) divides both \(Q_n\) and the product \((p_1\cdot p_2\cdot p_3\cdot…\cdot p_{n-1}\cdot p_n)\). Thus, if we subtract that product from both sides of the above equation, we have
$$Q_n-(p_1\cdot p_2\cdot p_3\cdot…\cdot p_{n-1}\cdot p_n)=1.$$
Note that since \(q\) divides both \(Q_n\) and \((p_1\cdot p_2\cdot p_3\cdot…\cdot p_{n-1}\cdot p_n)\), it follows that \(q\) divides the difference, i.e. the left-hand side of the equation just above. Since \(q\) divides the left-hand-side, \(q\) also divides the right-hand-side because the two sides are equal. But this can’t happen since \(q\) is prime; primes can’t divide \(1\). Therefore, \(q\) can’t be one of the primes \(p_1,…,p_n\), implying that there need to be more primes than what are in that list. This contradicts the initial assumption that there are only finitely many (i.e. \(n\)) primes. Therefore, there can’t be only finitely many primes.

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