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Module 1: Basic Set Theory
Module 2: Modular Arithmetic, Divisibility, and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Module 3: Functions and Relations
Module 4: Truth Tables and Symbolic Logic
Module 5: Basic Direct Proofs
Module 6: Proof Techniques Part 1: Contrapositive and Contradiction
Module 7: Sequences, Sums, and Products
Module 8: Proof Techniques Part 2: (Weak) Induction
Module 9: Recurrence Relations and Recursion
Module 10: Counting Systems (Binary, Hex, Octal, etc.)
Module 11: Combinatorics
Module 12: Graph Theory
Module 13: Review

Images and Preimages

In other words, the image of an element a\in A is nothing more than f(a); i.e. the output of f associated with a.

You can think of the image of a set S to be the range of f if f were defined on S instead of A.

Quick Example Illustrating Image of an Element and Image of a Set

Let f:A\rightarrow B be defined by the potato diagram below, where A and B are the set of elements in the left and right potatoes, respectively.

  1. Find the image of 2 and 5 via f.
    • Answer: f(2)=4 and f(5)=-1, respectively.
  2. Find the image of S=\{3,5,1\} via f.
    • Answer: f(S)=\{0,-1,3\}, i.e. the set of all stuff that 3, 5 and 1 all map to.

In other words, the preimage of an element b is the set of all elements of A that have b as an output. Note that for preimages we use square brackets “[,]” around the argument b as opposed to round braces. This is to unambiguously distinguish preimages from function inverses. Note that some authors and books may use “(,)” braces instead.

In other words, the preimage of a set S is the union of all the preimages of the individual elements of S.

Quick Example of Preimages of Elements and Sets

Let g:A\rightarrow B be defined via the potato diagram below, where A and B are the set of elements in the left and right potatoes, respectively.

  1. Find the preimages of 5 and 7
    • Answer: f^{-1}[5]=\{1,3\} and f^{-1}[7]=\{6\}.
    • Preimages of elements in the codomain set are the set of all elements in the domain set that map to the given element. In the case of 5, the set of elements of A that map to 5\in B are only 1 and 3. The only element in A that maps to 7 is 6.
  2. Find the preimage of the set S=\{1,3,7\}
    • Answer: f^{-1}[S]=\{4, 2,5, 6\}
    • The preimage of a set S\subseteq B is the set of all elements in A that map to any of the elements of S. So, looking at the elements of S one at a time, we see that 4\in A is the only element that maps to 1\in S, that 2,5\in A map to 3\in S, and lastly that 6\in A maps to 7\in S.

Image of 5: f(5)=-1

Image of S: f(S)=\{3,4\}

The image of a specific element in the domain set is nothing more than the output that f produces from it.

The image of a set is the set of all images/outputs from each of the individual elements of the set. Since 1\mapsto 3 and 2\mapsto 4, the image of the set \{1,2\} is therefore \{3,4\}.


Image of 2.152: f(2.152)=73

Image of K=\{52, 0,1,6.8\}: f(K)=\{0,-1,-13,100\}.

The image of a specific element in the domain set is nothing more than the output that f produces from it.

The image of a set is the set of all images/outputs from each of the individual elements of the set. Since 52\mapsto 0, 0\mapsto -1, 1\mapsto -13, and 6.8\mapsto 100 the image of the set \{52, 0,1,6.8\} is therefore \{0,-1,-13,100\}.

Preimage of 2\in B: f^{-1}[2]=\{7\}

Preimage of M=\{1,2,5\}: f^{-1}[M]=\{4, 7, 1,3\}

The preimage of an element b\in B is the set of all elements in A that map to b. In our case, the only element that maps to 2\in B is 7.

The preimage of a subset of the codomain is the union of the preimages of all the elements in the given set. Put another way, the preimage of a set S is the set of all elements that map to each of the elements in S. In our case, we have that 4\mapsto 1, 7\mapsto 2 and 1,3 \mapsto 5 , so the preimage of the set \{1,2,5\} is the set of all elements that map to 1, 2, and 5; i.e. the set \{4, 7, 1,3\}.

Preimage of 2: \emptyset

Preimage of T=\{0,1\}: \{1,4,8,3,5\}

For the preimage of 2, there is no element that maps to a 2, so the preimage is empty.

For the preimage of T=\{0,1\}, notice that every element in the domain maps to either 0 or 1 (i.e. all x-values in the list of ordered pairs has a y-value either 0 or 1) hence the preimage of \{0,1\} (i.e. the whole codomain) is precisely the whole domain!