Exponents and Exponential Expressions
Polynomial Arithmetic
Rational Expressions
Radical Expressions
Functions Basics
New Functions Constructed From Old
Linear Functions
Quadratic Functions
Exponential Functions

Adding, Subtracting, and FOILing with Radical Expressions

Mini Lecture Video

Key Takeaways

  • When given a product, sum, or difference involving radical expressions, all the usual arithmetical rules apply!
    • For example, for combining like-terms, \(\sqrt{2x}+5\sqrt{2x}=6\sqrt{2x}\).
      • Occasionally, you will need to simplify radicals before combining like-terms.
    • For example, you can FOIL expressions like \((\sqrt{2x}-\sqrt{3x})(\sqrt{2x}+\sqrt{3x})\)
  • All that needs to be considered in addition to normal arithmetic rules (such as the above) is what happens when you multiply radicals.

Several examples follow; give ’em a try!

Try the Following!

Perform the given arithmetical operations

Solution: \(11\sqrt{2x}\)

Solution: \(8\sqrt[3]{3x}\)

Solution: \(22\sqrt{2y}\)

Solution: \(1\)

Solution: \(\sqrt{10}-\sqrt{15}+\sqrt{6}-3\)

Solution: \(8|x|-4\sqrt{3x}+4\sqrt{5x}-2\sqrt{15}\)

Solution: \(15+10\sqrt{2}\)

Solution: \(4\). yup. just \(4\).

Solution: \(6+2\sqrt[3]{3}\)

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