Limits and Derivatives
Applications of Differentiation

PRAXIS: Linear, Quadratic, and Polynomial Functions

  1. Let \(f(x)=4x+1\). Graph \(f\). Don’t generate a table. Use the slope and \(y\)-intercept information given in the function.
  2. Let \(g(x)=\frac{1}{2}x-\frac{3}{2}\). Graph \(g\).
  3. Using \(f\) above, what output does one get from \(f\) if the input is \(x=6\)?
  4. Using \(f\) above, what input gives an output of \(17\)?

  1. Find the equation of the line with slope \(3\) and \(y\)-intercept \(2\).
  2. Find the equation of the line with no slope (i.e. slope \(0\)) and \(y\)-intercept \(-5\).
  3. Find the equation of the line passing through the points \((1,2)\) and \((3,4)\).
  4. Find the equation of the line passing through the points \((\frac{1}{3},\frac{2}{3})\) and \((1,0)\).
  5. Find the equation of the line passing through the point \((3,5)\) and having slope \(\frac{1}{2}\).

Determine whether or not the following functions are polynomials. If so, list the function’s degree.

  1. \(f(x)=x^2-1\)
  2. \(h(x)=6x+1\)
  3. \(j(x)=7\)
  4. \(k(x)=5x^{0.56}-2x+8.9\)
  5. \(L(x)=3.14x^4-5.1x^2+6\)
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