Module 1: Basic Set Theory
Module 2: Modular Arithmetic, Divisibility, and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Module 3: Functions and Relations
Module 4: Truth Tables and Symbolic Logic
Module 5: Basic Direct Proofs
Module 6: Proof Techniques Part 1: Contrapositive and Contradiction
Module 7: Sequences, Sums, and Products
Module 8: Proof Techniques Part 2: (Weak) Induction
Module 9: Recurrence Relations and Recursion
Module 10: Counting Systems (Binary, Hex, Octal, etc.)
Module 11: Combinatorics
Module 12: Graph Theory
Module 13: Review

Divisibility and the Quotient-Remainder Theorem

In this lesson…

We will be discussing divisibility of integers and determining whether one number “divides” another. In the case where one number DOES NOT divide another, we might want to know by how much. That’s one of the roles of what is called the “Quotient-Remainder Theorem.”

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